Iowa River Bridge Project

Travero is committed to advancing safety and delivering success for our customers. To achieve this, the CRANDIC Rail team launched a major two-year project to replace the historic Iowa River rail bridge near Middle Amana, Iowa, at MP 18.15.

Iowa River Bridge Project

Travero is committed to advancing safety and delivering success for our customers. To achieve this, the CRANDIC Rail team launched a major two-year project to replace the historic Iowa River rail bridge near Middle Amana, Iowa, at MP 18.15.

Iowa River rail bridge at MP.15 near Middle Amana, Iowa. 2024 photo 4.

Enhancing Safety and Efficiency

Built in 1902, this bridge is the final outdated structure on CRANDIC’s Amana subdivision south of Cedar Rapids, Iowa. The replacement project will:

  • Raise the new bridge by 30 inches, exceeding the 100-year flood height.
  • Lengthen and widen the through-truss span.
  • Increase load capacity to 286,000 pounds, surpassing the existing bridge’s design limits.

This bridge serves as a vital link in CRANDIC’s rail system. On average, 90,000 railcars—including over 27,000 carrying hazardous materials—cross it each year. Replacing it ensures decades of safe, reliable operations, supporting efficient rail freight transportation for industries in and around Cedar Rapids.

Scheduled for completion in Q3 2025 (barring major 2025 spring flooding), the upgraded bridge will accommodate heavier railcars and locomotives, safeguard against flooding, and enable us to better serve our customers and communities.

This project is made possible through a Consolidated Rail Infrastructure and Safety Improvements (CRISI) grant from the Federal Railroad Administration (FRA). These grants fund efforts to modernize rail infrastructure, ensuring safety and reliability across the industry.

Since 2008, CRANDIC Rail has replaced the other eight bridges in the Amana subdivision, which connects the Iowa Interstate Railroad (IAIS) to its interchange point with CRANDIC Rail at its yard outside Cedar Rapids.

National Historic Preservation Act

The Iowa River Bridge Project, as a federally funded initiative, complied with Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966. The Federal Railroad Administration (FRA) determined the Iowa River Bridge eligible for listing in the National Register of Historic Places under Criterion A (its association with significant events in American history) and Criterion C (its notable physical design or construction).

Replacing the bridge would result in a significant loss of history. To address this, the FRA and the Iowa State Historic Preservation Officer signed a Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) on March 2, 2023. Under the MOA, CRANDIC Rail funded the production of the video below and completed the Historic American Engineering Record (HAER) documentation of the bridge. These materials will remain accessible on this website for up to three years after construction concludes.

Iowa River rail bridge at MP.15 near Middle Amana, Iowa. 2024 photo 2

Watch this video to learn about the interconnected history of the bridge, the CRANDIC rail line and the Amana Society.

Heritage Documentation

The Historic American Engineering Record (HAER) was founded in 1969 to record America's engineering and industrial heritage. HAER documents a wide array of historic examples of industrial design, including transportation systems and infrastructure. HAER issues guidelines to ensure that the nation’s engineering legacy is properly recorded in a consistent and accessible manner.

HAER documentation for the CRANDIC Rail Iowa River bridge in Middle Amana, Iowa County, Iowa:

Bridge I-142 (CRANDIC Rail Bridge 18.15) HAER IA-100 Photographs
Bridge I-142 (CRANDIC Rail Bridge 18.15) HAER IA-100 Written Historical Data